Privacy Policy

The following outlines which general and personal data we collect from you, or that you provide to us, and how it will be stored and processed. Please read it carefully.

Data we collect from you

When you use and interact with our site we may collect and process the following data about you: information that you provide by filling out forms on our site will be stored in our database; if you contact us via chat or email, we may keep a record of the correspondence; information about the device which you use to access our page, including unique device identifiers, operating system, browser type and mobile network information.

Where we store your data

As of now we store data you submit to this website on servers within the European Union, but might decide in the future to store or process it somewhere else for strategic or economic reasons (of course given an appropriate level of protection). By submitting data to our website, you agree to this potential transfer without further notice. We will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure at all times that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this privacy policy. Unfortunately, the transmission of information via the internet is not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of it and strongly suggest you do not submit data that could harm you or others if exposed. Any data submission is at your own risk.

How we use your data

We will use your email address to communicate with you. If not explicitly stated otherwise and given your explicit consent, we do not share your email address with anyone, except if required by law. Communication with third-party services outside of our page always goes through us. If you decide to use the Stories profile feature, your profile (e.g. profile text, profile picture, social media links, etc.) will be publicly visible on the internet together with the content that you decide to share.

Server log files

To monitor usage and problems of this site, we store so-called server log files, which your browser transmits automatically while using the website. The collected information is generally not associated with personal data and or other data sources. However, there might be exceptions in the case of suspected misuse or illegal actions. The collected information comprises browser type/version, operating system, referrer URL, the hostname of the system executing requests, timestamps of requests.


This website uses cookies to improve the user experience. A cookie is a small file that is stored on your device to save and retrieve information. Cookies are used for user authentication (session cookies) and enhance user experience, for instance, storing whether or not you have already seen a certain info box. Additionally to our cookies, this page also uses cookies from third party services that – given your explicit consent – might collect, store, process and transmit personal and/or usage data and statistics which we have just limited control of. Please refer to the privacy- and cookie policies of those services (listed below) for more details. Please do not use this service if you disagree with the use of cookies as stated above! To delete cookies from your device, please refer to the documentation of your web browser.

Third party services

This page uses third party services from various providers (see below). Those services may also store cookies on your device and – given your explicit consent – collect, store, process and transmit general and personal data about you. We do not have any or just limited control over those services. Please refer to their websites for more information about their respective policies.

Google Analytics: Given your explicit consent in the form of a popup dialog we use Google Analytics to improve this service. If supported, the service will in any case install a functional cookie ('gtag' cookie) on your device, but only transmit data to Google in case you have opted in. Google tracks visits and behaviour across sites to determine user demographics and interest categories. We use the processed data and statistics to continually improve our service, for instance by delegating resources to popular features and adapting to user demographics.

You can change your consent any time below.

Analytics is currenty turned off.

Turn on

Access to information

You have the right to access any personal information we have stored about you. To request the data please send a short email to so that we can prepare it for you.

Request deletion of information

To request the deletion of your information please send a short email to Exempt from the deletion are our database backups that are stored on our servers and not shared with or exposed to anyone (except if required by law).

Changes to this policy

Any changes that we make to this policy in the future will be posted and logged here and, if you have a user account and the changes directly affect you, sent to you by email. Some changes might only affect you when you use certain features. You will be asked to consent to those changes at the time you start using those features.

July 25, 2020: original version

If you have any questions:

Contact us at